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Why now?

Tackling issues such as the climate crisis, inequality, new patterns of violence and the major changes we are seeing in population and technology in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals - our shared vision for the future - will require cooperation across borders, sectors and generations.


But just when we need collective action more than ever, support for global cooperation is flagging. In many countries, public trust in traditional institutions is in decline and relations between countries are under strain. Dialogue – and action – on global issues could not be more urgent. Through these conversations, the UN aims to build a global vision of 2045 – its centenary, increase understanding of the threats to that future, and support enhanced international cooperation to realise that vision.

Why Join?

Your voice will be heard. The views and ideas that are generated will be presented to world leaders and senior UN officials at a high-profile event during the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2020. They will also be disseminated online and through partners on an ongoing basis.

When is this happening and where?

From January 2020, the UN75 campaign will initiate dialogues in all settings – from classrooms to boardrooms, parliaments to village halls. The aim is to reach as many people as possible: to listen to their hopes and fears; and learn from their ideas and experiences. Anybody can join the global conversation - physically or online, individually or as a group, in every region of the world.

How will this be done and how do we join?

UN75 will drive the initiative from behind. Together we will Connect. Amplify. Act.


Connect People


UN75 is building, and will continue to build, a network of diverse groups, individuals and partners to convene dialogues.  Through its global online and offline networks, UN75 will aim to reach as many people as possible, including youth, marginalized communities, and those who would not often or ever engage around issues of global cooperation.


Amplify Voices


  • Check out the UN75 toolkit with guidelines on how to join, and how to inspire conversations and amplify voices through channels and communities for people to talk and be heard.

  • UN75 will undertake global opinion polling, media and internet analysis to collate robust, representative and comparative data that can inform future communications and policymaking.

  • Video and audio recordings with testimonials from people who have participated will be shared across platforms illustrating people’s views and ideas.

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Inspire Action


  • Each conversation is an opportunity to encourage individuals to take actions in their own lives in line with what they have heard and learned. Both formal and informal dialogues can yield insights and evidence that national and international organizations can apply. Findings may inspire new programmes, investments, partnerships and campaigns, among other options. A global platform to illustrate key outcomes of discussions is being developed by the UN75 team.​​

  • For formal focus groups, the toolkit provides moderator form allowing information to be centrally recorded and analysed. People taking part in conversations of all kinds can provide feedback via their moderator or through the UN75 website.


From January 2020, which starts the 75th anniversary year of the Organization, the UN will work with partners to initiate dialogues within and across borders, sectors and generations. The aim is to reach as many people as possible: to listen to their hopes and fears; learn from their experiences; and empower them to think and act globally.


To help frame and inspire your dialogues read some of our Issue Briefs which outline issues such as the climate crisisinequalitynew forms of conflict and violence, and the rapid changes in demography and digital technologies. These issues will all require effective cooperation across borders, sectors, and generations.


UN75 asks people to “join the conversation” and present ideas for tackling the challenges we face. How can people participate? What will happen with the findings? Will there be outcomes and actions? Check out the frequently asked questions.


The UN75 logo is available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) and additional languages. Please note that the UN75 logo with the UN emblem is only available to UN system-wide partners. All other entities should use the UN75 logo without the UN emblem. 


The UN is turning 75 next year and we want to hear from YOU: What are your ideas for #ShapingOurFuture? To learn more and start planning for next year’s global conversation check out these videos. #UN75

This video provides a quick guide on the key components, mission and work of the United Nations - an international organization that helps to build a better world.


The UN75 logo is available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) and additional languages. Please note that the UN75 logo with the UN emblem is only available to UN system-wide partners. All other entities should use the UN75 logo without the UN emblem. 


The UN75 logo is available for use in the six official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish) and additional languages. Please note that the UN75 logo with the UN emblem is only available to UN system-wide partners. All other entities should use the UN75 logo without the UN emblem. 


For their first podcast of 2020, our UNcomplicated hosts, Sinduja Srinivasan and Jason DeWall, celebrate a milestone year for the UN, as it turns 75.


They’ve been talking to Fabrizio Hochschild, who’s leading the world body’s birthday mission, to listen to the concerns of a new generation of global citizens, and keep the UN relevant in the decades ahead.

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© Copyright 2020 by United Nations Association, Santa Barbara.

Tel: 805-680-9445


UNA Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter

7456 Evergreen Dr

Santa Barbara CA 94117


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