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2024 8th Annual UNA Santa Barbara Peace Prize Event
2024 8th Annual UNA Santa Barbara Peace Prize Event
Oct 03, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM PDT
509 State St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA

What is the Santa Barbara UNA Peace Prize Award?

The Santa Barbara UNA Peace Prize started as a project of the Santa Barbara Chapter of the United Nations Association to recognize outstanding community members of the Tri-County area (San Luis Obispo, Ventura, and Santa Barbara). The Prize is given each year to an individual who has achieved worldwide impact in the service of peace in a way that is tangible and measurable,  i.e. a project, something that was built, a movement begun, a law passed, etc.


“This is so exciting, and we have so many wonderful people in our community that do great things in the world. We’re thrilled to honor them,” said UNASB President Barbara Gaughen-Muller. 

What are the criteria to nominate someone for the UNASB Peace Prize? 

  • The nominee must live in the Santa Barbara Tri-Counties area.

  • The nominee must have achieved worldwide impact in the service of peace that is tangible and measurable, i.e. a project, something that was built, a movement begun, a law passed, etc.


The nominee's achievements must have contributed tangibly to one or more of these goals: 


  • Creating peace in the world

  • Expansion or defense of Human Rights internationally

  • Advancements in developing nations such as: creating infrastructure, delivering supplies, building wells to achieve clean water, education opportunities, etc.


For more information, please contact our chapter at


Peace Prize Recipients

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© Copyright 2020 by United Nations Association, Santa Barbara.

Tel: 805-680-9445


UNA Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter

7456 Evergreen Dr

Santa Barbara CA 94117


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