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Barbara Gaughen-Muller nominated to RAGFP Board

Barbara Gaughen-Muller is a peacemaker, author, speaker, radio host, visionary and consultant to world leaders. Barbara is president, UNA-USA, Santa Barbara and created the Santa Barbara UNA Peace Prize to honor peacemakers working locally on global problems. She is the co-founder of Rotary E Club of World Peace. She helped orchestrate the first Rotary World Peace Conference in 2016. She is a Paul Harris Fellow. She spoke at the United Nations, where she received the Spirit of the United Nations award. She and her late husband Dr. Robert Muller, former ASG, UN co-authored "7500 Ideas for a Better World" that is shared daily on in 5 world languages. She co-created the La Casa Invitational where global thinkers met to solve world problems. She is the founder of Gaughen Global Public Relations, which received the 2018 IRWIN Award. Barbara also co-authored Revolutionary Conversations: The Tools You Need for the Success You Want showing how peace begins with us. Her weekly Power Of Peace Podcasts with World Peacemakers are available on

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