2024 UNA-SB Monthly Chapter Meetings
We are your United Nations Association, focused on bringing the work of the United Nations to our community, and our community’s concerns to the United Nations. We welcome you to become a member and join our upcoming meeting to discuss important conversations affecting our world.
Our meetings are held each month on the 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30 PM PST on Zoom.
Contact info@unasb.org for meeting information.
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Welcome to Santa Barbara & Tri-Counties Chapter of UNA-USA!
Sharon Byrne, President
The United Nations Association - USA is a membership organization dedicated to building understanding of and support for the work of the UN, founded in 1945. Our mission is to educate the public to strengthen US involvement in the United Nations.
For more information, please read about us or contact the chapter by e-mailing info@unasb.org. You can join us directly, too, through our membership page.
Why the UN Matters
To learn more about the importance of the United Nations visit:
70 Ways the UN Makes A Difference: http://www.un.org/un70/en/content/70ways/index.html